Sunday, January 31, 2010

The Most Exciting Experience in Paris... making a real French friend. True story. Nothing is quite as exhilarating as making those first friends in a new city. Not friends of friends, not people in your program. Don't get me wrong, they're all great. But befriending a Parisian is akin to what I imagine conquering Everest is like. Now granted, get any Parisian drunk and tell them you're from America, they'll almost always want to be your friend for those 5 minutes. Sometimes being a girl from America feels like being an exotic animal on display...they've heard of your kind before but have never seen one up close. This is especially true for me because as soon as I utter those magic words: I'm from Los Angeles, the French come running with their choruses of "that's...that's SO COOL!!" Not that I blame them because, let's be honest, that would be me if our places were reversed. This is also why I think Parisians are so nice so far, because I'm somewhat of a novelty, or maybe better put, a curiosity. The funniest part about that last observation is every Parisian I've met has asked me what I think of Parisians, and when I reply that I find them quite nice so far, they are quite shocked and dismayed. They certainly don't have a lot of optimism when it comes to their peers!

Today, finally, after three weeks (talk about time flying when you're having fun!!), I made it to Montmartre, which is still to this day, my absolute favorite part of Paris. I didn't think it was possible, but I love it even more than I did before. Sacre Coeur, the street performers, all the tourists, even the Irish Pub where I bought my first drink in high's all still there. I think I enjoyed it even more this time because we ventured farther into Montmartre where it wasn't quite--emphasis on the quite--as touristy. Camille and I also stopped for a while in the cutiest, tiniest cafe called La Maison Rose where I had the most amazing cup of Vin Chaud (or hot wine) ever. WHY DON'T WE HAVE THIS IN AMERICA PEOPLE??? Because it is truly divine. Also, why on earth have Americans not discovered the wonders of corner crepe stands? They are possibly the most delicious pieces of heaven ever. I also have to say, that Paris is FULL of talented musicians. They're not like street performers in America that usually have some sort of schtick they repeat over and over. These guys can really play. For example, a man on the metro had never heard "Save Tonight" by Eagle Eye Cherry, but was still able to play it by ear after we sang a few verses. Pretty impressive if you ask me.

That's all for now, this week is kind of a hell week school wise but I'll try to fit in some excitement for your reading pleasure!! If anyone has any questions or wants to know more about what I'm up to, feel free to shoot me an email:

Bisous et a bientot!

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